home of the goldenage of small press
   Hello there, and welcome ACE COMICS STUDIO'S WEBSITE. Thank you for taking the time to look at our site and we hope you enjoy our comics. But to let you know a bit about myself here, I started drawing comics at the age of 6 and have never looked back. but In 1991, 1992 I started to publish my small press
comics and found that people enjoyed the golden age more then the modren age of comics.
   I wish to bring back that nostalgic feels and time when you could could truly enjoy those comics for less than a dollar. To enjoy the story and be able to read all of it in just one comic magazine. Possible to even get more then one story in a comic-zine. That's my hope, to bring to this world. To bring a new golden-age of comics where hero's can be hero's.
So I've taken to focus on the Golden-Age of comics when anything could happen in the stories. when Science-fiction was just that fictional part's of science, when the would had a what-if. Like what-if the dark-ages never happened and what would the science be like. maybe we would've had some funny looking planes in the civil-war, or maybe our world would have homes on mar's and the moon plus maybe we'd have flying car's too.
If you'd like to Purchase your copy on our online comic-rack just click the button too go in.. Excitement await's you there